Sabtu, 29 Januari 2011

Membuat Kipas Angin Dari CD bekas dan dicolok pake USB

Bahan yang diperlukan:
1. kabel komputer USB, bisa anda dapatkan ditoko komputer atau bekas kabel printer USB, atau bisa juga kabel tambahan jika kita beli USB flash disk.
2. selongsong, bisa bekas tissu, atau pipa pvc juga boleh.
3. Motor DC bekas mainan anak-anak
4. kabel
5. terminal kabel
6. cd bekas
7. Gabus bekas tutup botol

1. lem
2. obeng
3. gunting
4. lilin
5. kawat buat ngelobangin, bisa juga pakai tusuk gigi

Cara Membuatnya :
1. Buat 8 garis pada CD, lalu guntinglah sesuai pola.:
2. Panaskan diatas lilin, sambil digoyang-goyang dan dipuntir.:
3. Lubangi tutup botol dengan kawat.:
4. Masukkan tutup botol tersebut kedalam kipas yang tadi kita buat.:
5. Kupas kabel USB, dan potong kabel warna hijau dan putih, sehingga yang tersisa hanya kabel merah dan hitam. Kabel merah ini adalah (+5V) dan hitam itu ground (0V).:
6. Pasang kabel merah dan hitam tersebut kedalam terminal kabel.:
7. Masukkan kedalam selongsong dan pasang kabel.:
8. Hubungkan dengan motor DC, ingat kabel warna merah ke positif (+5V) dan yang hitam ke GND (ground).:
9. Tempelkan dengan lem ke CD sebagai dudukan.:
10. pasang kipasnya:
11. Hubungkan kabel usb ke komputer, selesai.:
sumber :

Jumat, 28 Januari 2011


Gadis mungil yang manis,tak heran banyak juga fansya baik tua maupun muda. suaranya pun tidak diragukan lagi,bisa dibilang suara emas. para fans gita gutawa sudahkan anda kenal dengannya,disini kami berikan biografi juga profilnya:

Aluna Sagita Gutawa
Jakarta, 11 Agustus 1993
Biografi :
Aluna Sagita Gutawa atau lebih terkenal dengan Gita Gutawa, terlahir di Jakarta, 11 Agustus 1993. Namanya seindah suara dan wajahnya juga prilakunya. Gita gutawa dikenal memiliki banyak prestasi tidak hanya di tarik suara tapi juga dalam biang pendidikan. Ia adalah penyanyi pop, yang mendalami dunia musik sejak masik kanak-kanan, karena dia sendiri adalah anak dari komposer dan penyanyi Erwin Gutawa.
Gita yang juga baru memiliki prestasi di bidang akademisnya itu, pernah duet dengan Donny, vokalis ADA Band dalam lagu Yang Terbaik Bagimu. Selain itu juga pernah berduet dengan penyanyi sholawat Hadad Alwi, dalam album Jalan Cinta 2.
Di usianya ke-13 tahun gita telah merilis albumnya bertajuk GITA GUTAWA (self title). Dalam album tersebut Gita yang mengaku tak mau mendompleng kebesaran nama ayahnya itu membawakan salah satu lagu karya Sarah Silaban, bersama Andi Rianto dan Pink-Pink.
Pertengahan Agustus 2009, Gita meluncurkan buku pertamanya, Kotak Musik Gita. Meski tidak menulis sendiri, namun Gita ingin berbagi pengalamannya selama menggeluti dunia musik dengan para penggemarnya. Dari berakting di depan layar kaca, kini Gita mulai merambah dunia layar lebar. Akhir 2009, ia mulai syuting film Love in Perth.
Pada 25 Februari 2010, Gita bakal tampil di konser tunggalnya yang bertajuk Kotak Musik Gita. Di sini, sang ayah, Erwin Gutawa bertindak sebagai produser konser. Konser tunggal pertamanya ini mendulang sukses, baik dari penjualan tiketnya yang langsung ludes 1 minggu sebelum hari-H, maupun acaranya. Tata panggung, efek visual dan efek suaranya benar-benar dipersiapkan dengan sangat matang. Begitu pula performa Gita Gutawa dan permainan panggung para penari latar, serta band-nya. Jumat, 13 Agustus Gita Gutawa merilis album ketiganya: Balada Shalawat, sekaligus mengadakan syukuran atas keberhasilannya mempertahankan gelar juara umum kelas-3 SMA Bina Nusantara, dan bersyukur atas hari jadinya yang ke-17 tanggal 11 Agustus 2010. Gita mengajak anak-anak yatim dari panti asuhan Bunda Maryam, dan tentu tak kalah serunya, para member GitaLovers Community


Mohon maaf ane gak bisa memberi kalian apapun karena ane menjaga privasi seseorang, bukannya pelit ga mau ngasih NoPe nya Gita .. krn ane juga kagak punya :'D
…jd mohon maaf…!! jadi segitu dulu…informasi dari ane…jgn kecewa…siapa tau lo beneran bs ketemu gita !! tenang ajah …msh bnyk kesempatan …okhe !?

4 Cara Alami Menumbuhkan Rambut Secara Instan


Jakarta - Ada banyak produk yang menjanjikan untuk rambut indah dan tebal. Tapi, sebelum membeli produk-produk mahal, sebaiknya Anda mempertimbangkannya. Coba produk rumahan berikut ini, yang tak kalah efektif menjadikan rambut tumbuh lebih cepat.

Dikutip dari Medic magic, empat solusi dengan bahan yang bisa didapatkan di rumah berikut ini, efektif untuk menumbuhkan rambut.

Minyak zaitun
Produk berguna yang dapat ditemukan di hampir semua dapur adalah minyak zaitun. Minyak zaitun tidak hanya meningkatkan proses pertumbuhan rambut, tapi juga dapat menyehatkan kondisi kulit kepala Anda.

Teteskan empat hingga lima tetes minyak zaitun setelah keramas, lalu pijatlah kulit kepala. Sebaiknya, lakukan pada malam hari agar kandungan minyak zaitu terserap pada kulit kepala. Pada pagi harinya, cuci rambut hingga bersih.

Cara lain untuk menumbuhkan rambut adalah dengan kuning telur. Terapkan kuning telur pada rambut dan kulit kepala. Kemudian, pijatlah kulit kepala selama 10 hingga 15 menit. Setelah itu, cuci rambut hingga bersih dengan menggunakan shampo, agar tidak meninggalkan aroma amis pada rambut. Ada baiknya, melakukan proses ini tiga hingga empat kali dalam seminggu.

Salah satu teknik yang paling populer digunakan untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan rambut adalah aplikasi santan ke kulit kepala. Terapkan 300 hingga 500 ml santan ke kulit kepala dan rambut, tutup rambut dengan handuk hangat dan diamkan selama 15 hingga 20 menit. Lalu bilas dengan air dingin. Dengan melakukan perawatan ini, rambut juga akan menjadi lebih lembut dan mengkilap. Bila dilakukan secara teratur, dapat terlihat hasil yang signifikan dalam pertumbuhan rambut. Lakukan proses ini tiga sampai empat kali dalam seminggu.

Minyak kelapa
Ketombe dapat menghalangi pertumbuhan rambut. Untuk menghilangkan ketombe dan rambut lebih cepat tumbuh, Anda dapat mengusapkan minyak kelapa pada kulit kepala hingga rambut. Pastikan seluruh akar rambut terkena minyak kelapa. Jika proses ini dilakukan setiap hari, maka dalam waktu 15 hari, ketombe akan hilang dan akan mendapatkan akar rambut yang kuat, sehingga pertumbuhan rambut bisa lebih cepat.

Selamat mencoba!

4 Menu Sarapan Sehat yang Rendah Kalori

dok. Thinkstock
Jakarta - Sarapan seringkali disebut sebagai santapan yang paling penting dalam keseharian. Ini karena tubuh kita perlu energi cukup untuk mengawali aktifitas, setelah tubuh berpuasa saat tidur selama lebih kurang delapan jam sehari.

Menu sarapan biasanya harus disajikan dengan cepat, mudah dan praktis. Namun jangan karena alasan harus cepat, lantas Anda mengabaikan kandungan nutrisi dan kalori di dalamnya, terutama bagi Anda yang sedang diet.

Sarapan sehat dan rendah kalori bisa Anda dapatkan tanpa memerlukan waktu lama untuk menyiapkan maupun menyantapnya. Berikut ini empat menu sarapan sehat dan rendah kalori, seperti dilansir Livestrong:

1. Bubur Oatmeal
Semangkuk penuh bubur oatmeal mampu membuat Anda merasa kenyang sampai jam makan siang tiba. Karena terbuat dari biji gandum utuh, oatmeal melepas energi secara perlahan dan mampu menyimpan cadangan energi lebih lama dalam tubuh. Ditambah lagi, setengah cangkir oat hanya mengandung 150 kalori, memenuhi 15 persen asupan serat dan 10 persen zat besi dari kebutuhan gizi harian Anda. Anda bisa menambahkan beberapa buah segar sebagai topping, seperti strawberry, raspberry, aprikot atau peach. Hindari topping yang banyak kandungan gula.

2. Telur
Telur merupakan makanan yang ideal untuk sarapan karena kaya protein serta mudah dan cepat penyajiannya. Satu butir telur berukuran besar mengandung 70 kalori dan memenuhi 13 persen kebutuhan protein harian. Anda bisa membuat omelet dari dua butir telur yang hanya menghasilkan 150 kalori. Atau, Anda bisa membuat sandwich dari dua lembar roti panggang dengan isian telur rebus.

3. Smoothies
Jika Anda terlalu sibuk sehingga tidak sempat menyiapkan sarapan pagi yang utuh, coba lengkapi gizi pagi hari Anda dengan cara diminum. Buatlah smoothie dari campuran satu cangkir susu skim dan pisang. Pisang bisa memenuhi kebutuhan karbohidrat, vitamin C, Vitamin b-6, magnesium dan potasium. Sementara susu memenuhi kebutuhan kalsium.

4. Buah
Berbagai macam buah bisa Anda olah menjadi sarapan sehat kaya nutrisi yang rendah kalori. Yogurt rendah lemak dengan topping buah segar atau potongan apel yang diolesi selai kacang bisa jadi pilihan tepat.


  • Name: Frank Lampard
  • Nationality: English
  • Date of Birth: 20/06/1978
  • Height: 184 cm
  • Weight: 88.0 kg
  • Previous Clubs: Swansea, West Ham
  • Position: Midfielder
Chelsea careerLeague title winning-goals, FA Cup and Champions League Final strikes, nerveless penalty taking, assists galore and record-breaking sequences of appearances, Frank Lampard has been both the man for the big occasion, and for the week-in, week-out dedication that is the bedrock of genuine achievement. He is without doubt one of the finest players ever to wear the Chelsea blue.
After a quiet start at the Bridge, with just 15 goals in two years following an £11 million transfer from West Ham, Frank bloomed into one of Europe's finest.
An early sign of what was to come was his commanding display against Arsenal's Patrick Vieira in an FA Cup Final defeat at the end of his first season, progress that was continued the following campaign.
In 2003/04, the first season under Roman Abramovich's ownership and Frank's third at the club, he retained his place despite many new arrivals and his phenomenal form was only beaten by Thierry Henry when English football's individual awards were handed out.
The top performances continued to come in 2004/05, as did the goals, Frank's powerful shooting firing Chelsea to the Premiership title that season as he top-scored from midfield with 13 in the League and 19 overall. There was no one more appropriate to score the two magical goals at Bolton that sealed the championship triumph.
The Sportswriters' Footballer of the Year that year and runner-up in the European and World Player of the Year voting for 2005, Frank continued to prove as close to indispensable as can be found in modern football as his team duplicated the Premiership success in 2005/06.
When in December 2005, he finally missed a game due to a virus infection, it brought to an end a new Premier League record of 164 consecutive appearances, since surpassed by goalkeeper Brad Friedel.
In 2006/07, his 62 games was the highest total by any Chelsea player in a single campaign and although the next year was affected by two rare injuries and bereavement, Frank continued to drive Chelsea on from midfield game after game after game and made it to the now regular 20-goal mark.
The injuries were unfortunate but genuine tragedy struck in April 2008 with the death of Frank's mother. His courage and nerve in scoring a vital Champions League semi-final penalty against Liverpool on his return from compassionate leave, followed by his dramatic equaliser in the Final, were among that season's strongest images.
Since then Lamps has become Chelsea's top scoring midfield player ever; and is the player to win the most international caps while a Chelsea player.
A five-year deal was signed in the summer of 2008, and he quickly got into goalscoring form, netting an audacious chip from the edge of the area at Hull in October that year, an automatic Chelsea Goal of the Season contender though eventually edged out by Michael Essien's Champions League volley against Barcelona.
As the performances of those around him began to wane, Frank's form remained consistent under Luiz Felipe Scolari, scoring key goals over Christmas 2008 to keep the team in touch with the league leaders.
The arrival of Guus Hiddink midway through the campaign brought extended freedom for Lampard, who repaid his coach with late goals in a league win over Wigan and a 4-4 Champions League thriller against Liverpool, before we eventually bowed out of Europe in controversial circumstances against Barcelona. There was however joy when his second-half strike won the 2009 FA Cup against Everton, his goal celebration a nod to that of his father's in an FA Cup semi-final 29 years earlier.
With an incredible 27 goals from central midfield in 2009/10 and a sack-full of assists as Chelsea won the Double, it seemed Frank was improving with age, especially factoring in his resistance to injury and his ability to avoid a single yellow card in the whole of that season.
His historic '09/'10 season began as it would end - at Wembley - where he contributed a Community Shield goal, helped set up another, and then buried a penalty in the successful shootout.
The 31-year-old actually went 10 games without a goal before four in three arrived in October.
After a penalty miss at Man City at the beginning of a difficult Christmas period, it was two successful penalties that dug the team out of trouble against Portsmouth and West Ham.
He bounced back from Champions League disappointment against Inter Milan in the first knockout round by banging in four league goals against Aston Villa in a 7-1 rout.
The feat, the second time he had achieved such a tally in a game, took him over the 150-goal mark for Chelsea and beyond Roy Bentley to become our third-highest scorer of all time.
After converting another penalty against Villa at Wembley to book a place in the FA Cup Final, the focus shifted to league football for the next five games, and it was there where Frank really delivered.
At Anfield there were major celebrations as he swept home Nicolas Anelka's centre to confirm crucial victory in the run-in.
In the final league game Frank won and took a penalty to put Carlo Ancelotti's team two goals to the good as we ran riot against Wigan, setting up the Double should we beat Portsmouth in the FA Cup Final.
It was a Drogba free-kick that broke the deadlock that Wembley May day, and even though Frank's final contribution was to drag a penalty wide at the death, he was there in the Royal Box to lift the trophy alongside John Terry.
The 2010/11 season was a rare one in the Lampard collection in that it was afflicted with lengthy injury. Recovering from a routine hernia op, he suffered a tendon injury at the top of his leg in training which lengthened the absence to four months during which team form declined.
He scored his second goal of the season in the first game of 2011 and still collected 13 goals by the end. On April 6th in a home Champions League game against Manchester United, he become only the fourth player to make 500 appearances for Chelsea.
The 2011/12 season featured the sideshow of Lampard slowly but surely edging towards Bobby Tambling's all-time club goalscoring record. It was a vintage Lampard performance at the Reebok, a very happy hunting ground for him and Chelsea, in early October as the midfielder hit a hat-trick. He hit three goals on the spin at the start of 2012 and netted a crucial late penalty against Napoli to level the tie on aggregate, his 14th of the season.
As the season drew to a close, Lampard's ability and experience, as so often in the past, rose to the fore. He scored a sublime free-kick in the 5-1 FA Cup semi-final win against Tottenham Hotspur at Wembley, as well as teeing up Didier Drogba for what proved to be the winning goal in the Final of the same competition.
He finished the season by skippering the side for the Champions League Final in Munich in John Terry's absence, and capped a wonderful display by lifting the trophy alongside the suspended captain after scoring our third penalty in the shoot-out.
Lampard began the current season is typical fashion, scoring our second goal from the penalty spot in the opening-day 2-0 win away at Wigan Athletic, before doing the same three days later against Reading at Stamford Bridge.
His first goal of the season from open play came during the 4-1 win against Norwich City when he fired us into a 2-1 lead from the edge of the penalty area, his 189th goal for the club.
Pre-ChelseaIronically, Frank's ever-present habit was one of the reasons why he was under-appreciated by some at the club that nurtured him.
With Frank's father the West Ham first team coach when the teenager broke into the first team there, sections of the support at Upton Park cried nepotism over the son's regular place in their side. He was ever-present in the Hammers team that finished fifth in '98/'99 and was capped for England the next season.
However when manager Harry Redknapp and Frank senior were sacked in 2001, it was time for Frank to move on and although Leeds was a possible destination at the time, it was across London the player went as he sought a club where he could take his career to the next level.

International goalAfter a debut against Belgium in 1999, Frank would have to wait until June 2003 to feature for a full 90 minutes in an England shirt, and he scored his first goal that August against Croatia.
He was well worth his place in the Euro 2004 team and was voted the England team's Player of the Year after three goals in four tournament games, and he won the poll again in 2005.
That made it all the more surprising when Frank failed to register on the score sheet in the 2006 World Cup in Germany, despite shooting more frequently than anyone.
It drew outside criticism, his years of incredibly consistent achievement seemingly forgotten, but after a lean spell under Steve McClaren he returned to goalscoring form under Fabio Capello, and Frank's critics began to re-evaluate their opinions and he was finally being appreciated in an England shirt too.
Unlike in 2006, Frank went into the 2010 World Cup in red-hot scoring form, even by his own extraordinary standards.
However as Capello played with the jigsaw of England's midfield, Frank's goal threat again appeared diminished although he was one of the best players against Slovenia in the third group game, and was infamously denied his first World Cup goal by a ludicrous linesman's decision as England exited versus Germany.
A hernia operation meant he sat out the beginning of England's Euro 2012 qualifying campaign but he returned in 2011 with goals and victories with the three lions on his chest. No Chelsea player has won more international caps while playing for the club.
Frank took the captain's armband for England's friendly against Spain in November, scoring the only goal of the game.
Sadly for him, however, after being named in Roy Hodgson's final squad for the tournament, he picked up a hamstring injury shortly after joining up with his teammates and was ruled out of the tournament.
However, in the first friendly following the tournament - against Italy in Berne - Lampard was once again named captain, playing a pivotal role as England came from behind to win 2-1.
He was then named in the squad ahead of the World Cup qualifiiers against Moldova and Ukraine, subsequently scoring three times over the course of the two games.
Lampard was named in the squad for the games against San Marino and Poland in October 2012, but was forced to pull out due to a calf injury.

Career History:
Club Season Comp. Apps
(as sub)
Chelsea 2011 - 12 League 30 (4) 11
FA Cup 5 (2) 2
League Cup 2 (1) 0
Euro Cups 12 (4) 3
2010 - 11 League 24 (1) 10
FA Cup 3 (0) 3
Euro Cups 4 (0) 0
2009 - 10 League 36 (0) 22
FA Cup 6 (0) 3
League Cup 1 (1) 0
Euro Cups 7 (1) 1
2008 - 09 League 37 (0) 12
FA Cup 7 (0) 3
League Cup 2 (1) 2
Euro Cups 11 (0) 3
2007 - 08 League 24 (1) 10
FA Cup 1 (0) 2
League Cup 3 (0) 4
Euro Cups 11 (1) 4
2006 - 07 League 37 (1) 11
FA Cup 7 (0) 6
League Cup 6 (3) 3
Euro Cups 11 (0) 1
2005 - 06 League 35 (0) 16
FA Cup 5 (1) 2
League Cup 1 (1) 0
Euro Cups 8 (0) 2
2004 - 05 League 38 (0) 13
FA Cup 2 (2) 0
League Cup 6 (3) 2
Euro Cups 12 (0) 4
2003 - 04 League 38 (0) 10
FA Cup 4 (0) 1
League Cup 2 (1) 0
Euro Cups 14 (1) 4
2002 - 03 League 38 (1) 6
FA Cup 5 (0) 1
League Cup 3 (0) 0
Euro Cups 2 (1) 1
2001 - 02 League 37 (3) 5
FA Cup 8 (1) 1
League Cup 4 (0) 0
Euro Cups 4 (0) 1
West Ham Utd 2000 - 01 League 30 (0) 7
FA Cup 4 (0) 1
League Cup 3 (0) 1
1999 - 00 League 34 (0) 7
FA Cup 1 (0) 0
League Cup 3 (0) 2
Euro Cups 10 (0) 4
1998 - 99 League 38 (0) 5
FA Cup 1 (0) 0
League Cup 2 (0) 1
1997 - 98 League 31 (4) 5
FA Cup 6 (0) 1
League Cup 5 (0) 4
1996 - 97 League 13 (10) 0
FA Cup 1 (0) 0
League Cup 2 (1) 0
Swansea City 1995 - 96 League 9 (1) 1
West Ham Utd League 1 (1) 0

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sayang semuanya :)

armanda lambardo = anak rantauan masyarakat daerah Lampung Barat asli ..